Feb 7, 2007

POEA ADVISORY- Filipino Household Service Workers - HSWs

The following guidelines are hereby issued regarding the implementation of the Reform Package affecting Household Service Workers (HSWs): 

 I.     Newly hired HSWs[1]

a)     With visas issued prior to 16 December 2006, or processed under job orders registered with POEA prior to 16 December 2006, or processed under employment contracts that were verified by the concerned POLOs prior to 16 December 2006 shall be exempted from the following reform package: 

-Minimum age of 23;
-Minimum entry salary of US$400;
-No ? placement Fee policy; 
-TESDA NC2 Certificate; and
-Attendance to the OWWA Language and Culture Orientation;

 Provided that these newly hired HSWs are processed at POEA before 1 March 2007.

b) With visas issued after 16 December 2006, or processed under job orders registered with POEA after 16 December 2006, or processed under employment contracts that were verified by the concerned POLOs after 16 December 2006 shall be covered by the following:

-Minimum age of 23;
-Minimum entry salary of US$400;
-No ? placement Fee policy; 
-TESDA NC2 Certificate; and
-Attendance to the OWWA Language and Culture Orientation.

Newly hired HSWs shall exempted from the TESDA and OWWA requirements if bound for countries with prescribed skills training and language and culture orientation as conditions for visa issuance. The determination of the countries with such requirements shall be done by POEA.

II.   Returning HSWs:

a)   Vacationing HSWs or those with existing overseas employment contracts executed prior to 1 March 2007 and are returning to their employer at anytime within the duration of their contract are exempted from the coverage of the following reforms:
-Minimum age of 23;
-Minimum entry salary of US$400;
-TESDA NC2 Certificate; and
-Attendance to the OWWA Language and Culture Orientation

The No-placement Fee policy does not apply to them since they are merely resuming their employment under an existing contract and are processed at the POEA without the participation of an agency.

b)     HSWs who completed their overseas contracts within 2006 and thereafter, and are returning to the same or new employer with their OEC issued before 1 March 2007, are exempted from the following:

-Minimum age of 23;
-Minimum entry salary of US$400;
-Payment of placement fee, if hired thru an agency;
-TESDA NC2 Certificate; and
-Attendance to the OWWA Language and Culture Orientation unless  returning to a country with a different language and culture, as determined by OWWA.

c) HSWs who completed their overseas contracts before 2006 and are returning to the same or new employer with their OEC issued before 1 March 2007 are covered by the new minimum salary rate of US$400. They are, however, exempted from the following:

-Minimum age requirement
-Payment of placement fee, if hired thru an agency
-TESDA NC2 requirement, unless required by their employer
-OWWA Language and Culture Orientation unless returning to a country with a different language and culture, as determined by  OWWA

d)   HSWs who completed their overseas employment contracts which were executed prior to 1 March 2007 and are being processed under a new contract with the same employer or new employer on or after 1 March 2007 are covered by the new minimum salary rate of US$400. They are, however, exempted from the following:

-Minimum age requirement;
-Payment of placement fee, if hired thru an agency;
-TESDA NC2 requirement, unless required by their employer; and
-OWWA Language and Culture Orientation unless returning to a country with a different language and culture, as determined by OWWA.

e)   HSWs who completed their employment contract before or after 2006 and are being processed under a new contract with the same or a new employer on or after 1 March 2007 are covered by the new minimum salary rate of US$400. They are, however, exempted from the following:

-Minimum age requirement;
-Payment of placement fee, if hired thru an agency;
-TESDA NC2 requirement, unless required by their employer; and
-OWWA Language and Culture Orientation unless returning to a  country with a different language and culture, as determined by  OWWA.

Attached is the HSW Processing matrix for reference.  http://www.poea.gov.ph/hsw/Matrix%20HSW2.pdf
For information and strict compliance.
Issued this 5th day of February 2007.


[1] Referring to HSWs without any previous overseas work experience as a HSW and former HSWs who failed to finish their previous contract as a HSW.

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